In November 2008 I did a series of posts on Lemony Snicket’s ‘A Series of Unfortunate Events’. Seeing how I haven’t done any proper posts for quite some time I thought I should do a series of posts on ‘Alex Rider’. Alex Rider is a series of books about a teenage spy. He is a spy but he is only 14 years old, only a year younger than me. It was heading up towards Christmas 2007 and my mum had ordered some Alex Rider audio books and said ‘Alex I’ve ordered some audio books that I think you will like.’ I didn’t seem that enthusiastic about the audio books but I expected them - after all I didn’t really have a lot of choice. But I was quite excited about listening to it any way but it turned out on Christmas day that my sister Naomi had got me the DVD of Alex Rider is well. On Christmas day I completed ‘A Series of Unfortunate Events’, and then I listened to Alex Rider. It was quite good, almost as good as ‘A Series of Unfortunate Events, in fact I actually found out about the new Alex Rider coming out and I really wanted to get the new audio book of it. I will tell you all about the story of Alex Rider in my next post.
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