For today's post I thought I would talk to you a bit about the new book that my sister has made. It is could The Mystery of the Monkey Palace For all ages. Esther found this program that you could write books and she wrote this book and we found a website that publishes books that people write. Believe it or not Esther is actually in the story and so am I and so is my Dad but in the story we are not brothers and sisters and John who is my Dad is not are Dad in the book. In the book Esther is one of the most exited people who ever went to the zoo. In the story Esther's father who is not the same person as are real father Esther's father in the book is a zookeeper in charge at the monkey house. In the story Esther helped at the monkey place, as it was more properly called, and her father said she could, help look after the new Peach-speckled monkey as soon as it's space ship arrived. I won't tell you any more of that part of this story because I don't want to spoil the story but I will tell you about who I was in the story and who my Dad was in the story. In Esther's story are real Dad is named the mayor, John March, a large, loud, dark-haired man who liked to grab his stomach when he laughed. Mayor March was best known for helping poor people, which everyone agreed was one of the most remarkable things ever to happen in Manhattan. Now I will tell you who I am in the story. Unfortunately Esther made me a spoilt brat who is only the same age as Esther but I am not the same age as Esther I am five years older than Esther. Esther has said in here book that All I could do was keep sniffling. Esther could still see tears coming down my cheeks. I don't mind Esther putting me as a spoilt brat or putting me the same age as Esther. I'm just happy she put me in it. Soon I will get one of my story's published and I will tell you about that on my blog. If you want to find the website that published Esther's book click here. www.lulu.com/uk/author/create.php?cid=uk_brand&gclid=CNiAu6Hzi5kCFRIgZwodqnKQmgcid=uk_brand&gclid=CMXq0YHyi5kCFQQ9ZgodSmv9ng
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