Hello again. My sisters Alice and Esther have recently got really into The Lord of the Rings and Lord of the Rings is my favourite film so I thought I should do a series of posts on Lord of the Rings. I have got the audio books of The Lord of the Rings so first I think I shall tell you about how I got the audio books. My Dad has the audio books of Lord of the Rings on tape and they are very precious to him. I had got the Narnia audio books in Christmas of 2005 and my Dad listened to them and he heard that they were dramatised by Brian Sibly and he said "Oh there dramatised by the same person who dramitised The Lord of the Rings, maybe I should let you listen to that". Daddy did let me listen to the Lord of the Rings and I really enjoyed them. As you might know the Lord of the Rings is in three parts which were all made into films but these audio books were in thirteen parts and they all had different names, each tape was one episode. Anyway I finished them and I told everyone that I really enjoyed them, I thought they were much better than the Narnia audio books. A year or two years later it was heading up to my fourteenth birthday and Mummy showed me these audio books on the Internet, they were A Series of Unfortunate Events If you want to hear about them you will have to read my earlier posts. Anyway me and my mum were in the car one day and we were talking about my birthday coming up and I said how much I enjoyed those Lord of the Rings audio books that Daddy lent me and she said she might try and get them for me but she also said they might be a bit expensive. Anyway mum told my Dad about me really liking Lord of the Rings and as soon as he heard he went on the Internet looking for them. He Finlay found a tin of them, they looked like the picture you can see up above. Mummy and Daddy had all ready ordered me the audio books of A Series of Unfortunate Events so they told my Nanny about them so she got them for my birthday. When I say get them she didn't archly go on the website and order them, Mummy ordered them and Nanny gave Mummy the money for them. When they came through the post I realised that they were not in thirteen episodes but three. They had become like the films. I listened to them before I even started A Series of Unfortunate Events I once again I really enjoyed them. When I finished Lord of the Rings I listened to A Series of Unfortunate Events and I enjoyed them even more. In my Lord of the Rings they added some bits in from when they made Daddy's one's. Thanks for reading, this is going to be a series of posts about Lord of the Rings. On my next post I will tell you a bit of the story. Thank you.
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