These are pictures of things done on Paint. Most of you probably think its to good to be Paint. I found a video on Utube that showed you how to use Paint. If you want to watch that video just go to the bottom of this post and you can watch it. It is very interesting and it should help you a lot. Please post a comment on what you think of them and tell me which one is the best.
I didn't think this one was as good as the others. Do you think its rubbish to?
I actually think this one is better than the third one. Do you think so to?
This is the latest picture I've done. What do you think of it?
This is the video I found that tells you how to do the Cartoons which I did so if you want to make pictures to you should watch it.
How easy dose paint look. Your third grawing is better than the first one.
Yes I did kinda think my first one is pritty rubish. Thanks for your comment.
thanks for putting the on the vidio now I can
follow it and find it out.
Your Welcome:D:D
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