Friday, November 06, 2009

Hi again! I thought I should start doing a few post on the essays that I'm doing in my work. In September I've started doing 'Omnibus' which is a kind of study of the Bible. I've had to do lots of essays for 'omnibus'. For my first essay I'll tel you the 'friend essay' that I did.
Here it goes.

This is an essay about what a true friend is.

Like the words (love, normal and big), Friend can have many meanings. You might think of a friend as someone who you go out to clubs with and talk to regularly, you might of gone to a meeting and talk to someone and you come home and your mum said “Oh you’ve made a friend” when actually you just had a conversation with him. If someone asked you “what is a friend”? you might come up with one of these examples, but the question “what is a true friend”? is a bit trickier. There is really only one meaning for ‘a true friend’. In bible David and Jonathan were ‘true friends’, the bible says David loved Jonathan more than he did women; Now, that doesn’t mean he loved Jonathan in the same way man and wife love each other, (that is wrong) It meant they loved each other very much and cared for each other as well. True friends are very close, that doesn’t mean its wrong to have a conversation with someone at a meeting, it just means that isn’t a true friend. Thanks for reading. I hope its helped.

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