Friday, May 22, 2009

Hello sorry I know I said I was going to tell you the story of The Lord of the Rings but I just can't be beavered. It would be to long and far to tiring for me to write down. If you would like to know a bit of the story them you will have to post a comment. Anyway I thought instead I would do a post on the future film of The Hobbit. The Hobbit as I'm sure you know is the one before The Lord of The Rings. It is hopefully going to be released in 2012 but there is a trailer on utube that sais it could be released in December 2009 but I seriously doubt it will. It is going to be directed by Peter Jackson, the same person who directed The Lord of the Rings which makes me feel good because it makes me feel like it is part of Lord of the Rings. My favourite character in Lord of the Rings is Golom and I'm happy to say he's going to be the same actor who plays Golom in the Hobbit and I think Gandol is going to be the same actor Oswell, but I think Bilbo is going to be a different actor from the person who played him in Lord of the Rings. There's a video on utube that sais that James Macirub might be acting as Bilbo in the Hobbit, he is the same person who played Mr Tumus in Narnia but I personal think it should be the same actor in the Hobbit because Bilbo had the ring for all that time so he wouldn't of looked any different. Please post a comment on what you think of this.

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